By Sunbeam
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Advice on camellias please
My camellias have flowered beautifully this year but the new growth is looking quite long and leggy
What’s the best way to prune them and should I feed
them ?
Thank you for all your help
3 Jul, 2022
Ditto,Sunbeam. Plenty of water is essential, as the buds for next year won't start to form,usually in August, or be as prolific..Maybe a mulch of Ericaceous compost around the roots, and/or an .Ericaceous Foliar feed ,as suggested By Steragram ..good luck..
3 Jul, 2022
Can't advise re pruning except to suggest cutting new growth back by half if you feel it is too leggy.. Feeding should have been done a bit earlier, using ericaceous feed but better late than never if you do it soon.. The important thing now is to make sure they get sufficient water, because if they are too dry in summer they will not flower next year.
3 Jul, 2022