By Cathytaylor
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
When is the best time to lay decking and why, (autumn or spring).
29 Sep, 2010
I did mine late April see my photos the reason is that it will give it the summer to bed down when its warmer and drier also you can enjoy straight away I don’t really think it matters when you lay your decking its just personnel preference another good tip if you don’t have a electric mitre saw buy/hire one they save a lot of time and effort when cutting especial the joists
30 Sep, 2010
many thanks for replies.. could do with a few more opinions.
30 Sep, 2010
You can lay decking anytime.
30 Sep, 2010
a bit controversal, but never! I am personally not keen and the neighbours have rats living under theirs.
30 Sep, 2010
Can't say I'm wild about decking either. They take alot of work to keep looking good and sooner or later will rot. Personally if I wanted an area of hard landscaping to sit I'd build a patio using real or mock yorkstone slabs. They last forever and on a DIY basis cost no more to install
30 Sep, 2010
Decking can layed anytime of year,but watch the weather,its better,like most jobs to do when its dry.Planning it carefully and not just buying a lot of materials is a consideration.Personally if its for yourself id plan it now to be done early spring in dry weather.
1 Oct, 2010
Thanks for advice, very useful.
3 Oct, 2010
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« check and report signs of damage or threats to health to plants
Tends to be a spring/summer job when the weather is drier and the mud is less?
29 Sep, 2010