By Cammomile
west sussex,
United Kingdom
Can anyone identify this plant please? It reminds me of Bugle but the wrong colour.

7 Jul, 2022
Thanks, I'll take a look at your suggested name Seaburngirl and no it's kept well watered and is in a big pot where it is thriving and has lots of flowers.
8 Jul, 2022
Candytuft has a cruciform shaped flower. These look more like those of Physostegia virginiana. Not saying that is what it is though.
8 Jul, 2022
I believe it's Prunella Grandiflora so you were right Seaburngirl. I have discovered Google Lens and you can take a photo of anything, not just plants, and it identifies almost immediately, not that I won't still use friend's information on GOY. Thank you for your help.
9 Jul, 2022
foliage looks like a candy tuft, Iberis. Do the flowers open more fully, does it need more water?
though in the first photo it looks like self heal, Prunella.
7 Jul, 2022