United Kingdom
The salvia black and blue I planted this year show no sign of flowering. They've grown to about 12" tall and I think they should be taller by now. They've been fed a couple of times with liquid seaweed and are in a sunny spot in loose soil. Any suggestions to what I need to do?
3 Sep, 2022
Thanks SBG. I didn't realise that the high temperatures could delay growth..Another fact learnt today. I guess it's similar to some members saying that it hasn't been a good year for their tomatoes.
I'll do as you advise: the main reason i got these was because they are hardier than the amistad.
3 Sep, 2022
yes it can. If you are curious the reason is below. if not just ignore me ;o)
There are chemicals called enzymes that make sure process happen in the cells of the plant. [All living things actually] High temperatures destroy the enzymes and it takes a while for the plant to make new ones. Same reason that a high fever in humans can kill us.
It was hard work convincing my mum that enzyme based soap powders wouldn't work if the wash temp was too high! But a hot wash was always essential for sheets and towels in her opinion.
3 Sep, 2022
Thanks Eileen. Explains my mini tomatoes. Who would have thought it?
3 Sep, 2022
As Stera says, who would ever think, or know that. It always helps to understand the science behind unusual activity in plants, or anything else.
I thought the heat would be beneficial to sun-loving plants. It just shows how wrong one can be!
Brilliant to have you here Eileen. I love to continue my education.
I can understand where your mum was coming from; I was always told that to kill bacteria, we had to wash laundry on at least 60 degrees.
3 Sep, 2022
How interesting SBG , thank you for that very useful information.
4 Sep, 2022
dont feed any more as if they do continue to grow the new growth will be too soft to cope over winter.
The high temperatures will have affected lots of growth.
3 Sep, 2022