West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Is this a good time to buy hardy perennials in 9cm pots or would it be better to wait until spring? Would they need planting in the ground now, or into bigger pots and would they need special care over the winter? Catalogues have arrived full of wonderful pix!!
3 Sep, 2022
Beware imports too. I've unwittingly bought a couple of things on line lately that had import certificates on them.Using imported stock was the cause of all the ash dieback so it pays to be careful.
3 Sep, 2022
A lot of these 9cm potted plants are 'Liners' which nurseries and some centres buy in to pot-on. I would check to see if they are rooted and take Eileen's advice and pot them on into a larger pot, perhaps 12 to 15 cm and overwinter them in a greenhouse or cold frame.
4 Sep, 2022
Well, Thank you all three! I don't have a greenhouse or cold frame. I hadn't thought about checking that they are rooted, or about the fact that they might have been grown in poly tunnels and I certainly wouldn't want to buy imports. Thanks for the heads up on all these points! I will leave it for now.
5 Sep, 2022
in my experience if they are fully hardy species I repot into 0.5l pots and bring them on and plant out late autumn when ground still warm. though sometimes I just pot them on and wait until spring.
just a word of caution though 9cm pots are not that big and the plants may have been in polytunnels so not hardened off for a typical late Sept /early Oct frost.
3 Sep, 2022