By Noirba
I have a very root bound yucca in a terracotta pot hip high. Despite cutting it down, washing the soil away, it wont come out. I tried running a knife around the edge and I could only get the knife down approx 1 inch. Any ideas would be most welcome - we would like to save the pot
4 Oct, 2022
SBG - your use of breadknives always amuses me. Do you have a stock of them or just the one trusty old one?
10 Oct, 2022
I have 2, a coarser one and a fine one. Shoved into very hot soapy water after use then back in the drawer. Both were bought when I was a student in 1977, so very old now and still work brilliantly.
I wonder if the technique worked. Would love to know.
13 Oct, 2022
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« Pictures of the sedges before and after I've had a go at cutting them back.
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Welcome to GoY hope you find the site helpful.
I have had similar problems in the past.
Sometimes it works better if damp other times dry.
try 1.
Find a stick that will go in the drainage hole at the bottom and push up from that end.
if that doesn't work
try 2. using a bread knife type blade saw away at the roots from the top of the pot so it is a square set of cuts. loosing some roots wont do any major harm. then push up from the bottom.
hope this helps.
4 Oct, 2022