By Lemnos
United Kingdom
Hello everyone Its been a while since I logged in and I’ve been looking through all the answers to my previous questions.thank you everyone whose has taken the trouble to answer! My question today is about the dahlias I bought last year ,planted in pots in the patio some did well and others not so good, due to the drought and then hosepipe ban.i want to plant them all out into the garden borders.should I remove them from the pots and put them in a covered tray or can they be planted out now?
They will be better in the garden I’ve decided. Thank you my knowledgeable friends.
13 Jan, 2023
If you haven't got any sawdust very sdry comjpost will do, just as long as they are kept dry. Keep them somewhere that mice can't access. The little darlings are quite capable of nibbling an access hole into a wooden shed!(so I discovered...)
13 Jan, 2023
I wasn’t sure how the thank you worked .Thank you both very much re the dahlias! Let hope you receive this ok.
13 Jan, 2023
As you are in London, I'd do what I do [Hampshire], just stand the pots in a sheltered place, maybe against a wall.
Frost is unlikely to be a problem given your location, damp / wet will be the killer, hence a bit of shelter against a wall
Or, lay the pot on it's side until Spring, then plant out in garden once growth starts
You will have to watch out though, slugs love young tender dahlia shoots, get your protection handy now
14 Jan, 2023
I used vermiculite as a bedding material for bulbs and placed them in shoeboxes (not plastic containers which are mouse proof but not mold proof) I kept for that purpose. I would check the boxes periodically for mouse scrapes, if so, I placed poison bate in the vicinity which was very effective.
14 Jan, 2023
Thank you allot your advice about the dahlias. I think there are a few ideas there.
14 Jan, 2023
Far too early to plant out even in London. The tubers need to have been kept dry and frost free over winter, so if you can take them out of the pots and put them in trays covered in sawdust or wrapped in newspaper and kept somewhere suitable, that woujld be best. OR. put the pots somewhere safe. Plant out in the garden when there is no longer any danger of frost.
13 Jan, 2023