Hi , I'd like to find out what this plant is please (UPDATED)
By Jay_b1959
United Kingdom
Hi , I'd like to find out what this plant is please. I have had it for quite some years. I was told it was a Fuschia, It's not the usual looking Fuschia. It has tiny pink flowers & small green leaves. Bees love it .The photos are of how it looks at the moment. I can't seem to find any from summertime. My father in law took a cutting from his brothers garden but can't remember the name. I'd be grateful of any suggestions. Thank you
**UPDATE** Luckily this plant has grown back. Still none the wiser what it is!. I will add 2 more photos. My hand is in one just for size reference. The whole plant doesn't really get any bigger than this.

23 Jan, 2023
Thank you Seaburngirl , I’ve googled your suggestion but the flowers aren’t as I remember them. They looked similar to a berry but not solid , if that makes sense. I wish I’d taken a photo when it was in bloom! My father in law seems to think the plant name has ‘David’ in it
23 Jan, 2023
There is a F microphylla variety called 'David'. have a look at that one.
23 Jan, 2023
Have a look at Cytisus 'Moyclare Pink' (Broom). Just a guess though.
24 Jan, 2023
Seaburngirl, thank you again, I’m. Sure the flowers didn’t hang, they were more of a berry shape. I think I’ll have to hope that it’s not dead & fingers crossed it grows back. Thank you so much
24 Jan, 2023
Jimmytheone, thank you for your help . I don’t think its the one but it’s definitely close. Thank you very much
24 Jan, 2023
Hi Klahanie, Thank you for your suggestion but sadly it's not cotoneaster as my plant doesn't have berries. The flowers are the size of a berry tho. Thank you for help , much appreciated
26 Jan, 2023
post a photo next time it flowers as a question and I am sure some of us will be able to identify it.
1 Feb, 2023
Took the words from my keyboard Eileen. I think that is the most likely way to identifying it easily.
1 Feb, 2023
Seaburngirl , Steragram , Klahanie , Jimmytheone
I have added photos of it in flower, luckily it has grown back
30 Jul, 2023
There are very small flowered fuchsia, so it could well be Fuchsia microphylla
23 Jan, 2023