By Jay_b1959
United Kingdom
Hi All, any ideas if this is a plant or weed please? Excuse the weeds , back problems have put a hold on my gardening at the moment. Thank you

3 May, 2023
Thank you Seaburngirl, it seems to have had a growth spurt! I knew I’d not planted anything in that spot.I think I’ll remove it, maybe I’ll put it in a pot
Thank you again for your help, always appreciated
3 May, 2023
PS All weeds are also plants....
4 May, 2023
Steragram , some weeds are quite pretty
5 May, 2023
one of the definitions of a weed is 'a plant growing in the wrong place'
5 May, 2023
Previous question
« I found it growing randomly last summer. It grows really slowly.
it looks like one of Papyrus plants and it is a garden plant but if it gets out of hand it is a weed.
so it is up to you if you want to keep it. I have seen them grown successfully in pots.
3 May, 2023