Cheshire, United Kingdom
propogation of cordyline shoots from a trunk
- 8 Oct, 2010
My cordyline was checked by the temps last winter and has sent out new growths from the trunk....I've taken one off and planted it, whether it'll root, well Bamboo says not.
8 Oct, 2010
In my experience, a long shot at best. The rule of thumb has been that the thicker the stem of a Cordyline or Dracaena, the harder it is to root cuttings. Air layering is a little more likely.
9 Oct, 2010
Worth a punt, though, Janey, you never know your luck!
9 Oct, 2010
Not possible - from the base, where you can get some root with the plantlet, yes, from the trunk, no.
8 Oct, 2010