United Kingdom
My sister lives in Nice and has just received lilium candidum bulbs in pots with soil and would like advice on their care.
On plant
Lilium candidum
8 Oct, 2010
I would put them in the sun, and water them once a week--unless they get rain--until the shoots emerge. Once leaves are showing--about 2 weeks--they will need water more often, maybe 2-3 times a week, and regular, weak applications of a complete, high potash plant food. A rosette of leaves will grow over the winter, and the flower spike will sprout from the middle of that in early to mid-spring, depending on the weather. She might want to save some seed from the flowers to plant next fall--it takes 2-3 years to get seedlings to flower, but replacements will be needed, since the bulbs rarely live more than 3 years from start of bloom, anyway. Hope this helps!
8 Oct, 2010