United Kingdom
My husband has cut of the top of our plant and sealed the top with wax for some reason. I am distraught. Should i remove this wax? What should i do to help it grow again?
On plant
Cordyline australis
8 Oct, 2010
Yes, you can let him know that he is out of the dog house!
9 Oct, 2010
Hmm, well you're very forgiving you two, but then you're both male - personally, I'd have killed him... I'm curious as to what on earth he thought he was doing, what the reason was?
9 Oct, 2010
Well, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, Bamboo. We men don't often do things for no reason--though our reasons, and reasoning, don't always stand up to the light of day! ; D
9 Oct, 2010
Well I could say a great deal at this point, Tugbrethil - but probably best if I maintain a dignified silence, even though so many sarky remarks are flooding my very being, lol! You know I'm a bit of a feminist...
9 Oct, 2010
Oh, well. I probably agree with you an many points--though I'm the only male feminist that I know of. Remember that, contrary to the experience of too many women, men are people. too. : )
9 Oct, 2010
Point taken, Tug;-))
10 Oct, 2010
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Sealing with wax after pruning isn't really necessary on this plant, but I consider it a nice extra. The questions to ask yourself are: was the top getting brown and sickly--probably delayed reaction to the monster frost this past winter--or was it green and healthy? And did he cut it off right above new sprouts on the trunk, or right in the middle of nowhere? If the answers to both are the former, then he was doing the best that anyone could. If the answers to both are the latter, then he might have made a mistake. Other combinations are puzzling, and would require more info--especially from him--to find a good answer.
Even if he goofed, all is probably not lost. I would make sure it doesn't face much frost this winter, probably with fleeces, and give it a mild feeding with Grow More early next spring. Hopefully, you will see new sprouts from just below where he cut it, and probably from the base, too. These will eventually grow into new trunks, making the tree more picturesque. Good luck!
9 Oct, 2010