By Kentishman58
United Kingdom
We have a lavender bed which in theory should work well. Sandy free draining soil, south facing and rarely any need to water and all the plants have flowered well. But there is an ongoing problem with plants developing yellow leaves and sections dying off. We have tried different varieties of English Lavender but still get same problem. Even more bizarre as have had to replace a number of them except one which is quite happy after 5 years. The only condition i can think of is if they dont like ecposure in winter from strong easterly winds which come whipping across. Another idea would be something detrimental in soil-previously there was a Damsum tree which we cut down. Otherwise i have no idea! So any thoughts gratefully recieved.
5 Jul, 2023
You are both doing better than me. My only lavender has not grown at all after being in a south facing sandy soil for years.
6 Jul, 2023