By Ianplant
United Kingdom
Living on the edge of a huge grazing field which has not been used for 15yrs ish!! and I would like to chuck out some wild flower seed as all our lounge windows have this view. When should I plant the seed?

8 Jul, 2023
Sad for you but good advice. If you know the farmer you could ask him. (And thank your lucky stars you have such a great view!)
8 Jul, 2023
I agree with Seaburngirl
8 Jul, 2023
Agree will find too often that a bag of wildflower seeds should be labeled “weeds of the world” instead.
10 Jul, 2023
Thankyou all , after those comments I have binned the lot.
The farmer you cannot approach without a mouthful of swearwords so I will just have to put up with the view.
Could do a lot worse!!!!!
10 Jul, 2023
I can understand why you'd like to do this but please don't with out the land owners permission.
Firstly the seeds you plan to use may become more of a problem in the future. Not all wildflowers are suitable in all places of the countryside.
Does the land get mown for hay/silage? Some wildflower foliage is toxic to livestock.
If it has been untouched for 15yrs then nature will rewild it naturally over time, with plants native to the area and soil type.
If you want some wild flowers grow them in a spare bit of your own garden or in pots.
Many wildflower mixes contain meadow and cornfield plants that are not natural companions.
Sorry to sound so negative but some nature reserves are now spending lots of time and resources removing plants that were sown by visitors with good intentions.
8 Jul, 2023