By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Are these Eremurus?
OH bought these 2 for £3.50 from a man he knows. I didnt ask why he only got 2. He was told they were very tall and nothing else. the ruler is 12" or 30cm in new money.
So any advice from you good people? They will have to go into pots to over winter so what type of compost? do I add grit/perlite etc?
- 9 Oct, 2010
They like to be planted on a raised mound of sand (made within the hole big enough to accomodate the spread out roots). Feed the soil inbetween the roots and cover as normal. Remember to mark location so you dont go compacting the soil thats above the roots.
9 Oct, 2010
I am going to need very big pots then. one of them has 3 'eyes' the other has 2. so these are looking big and beautiful. so lots of good drainage and then full sun?
9 Oct, 2010
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I think that they are Eremurus, Sbg, great big octopus like roots. Price sounds good!
9 Oct, 2010