By Rogi
Hallo all on a gorgeous day in Germany. A friend of mine breeds eat (something that I would never eat !), he has loads of hare manure and has told me I can have it all, can I work it straight into the ground or must I leave it to decompose?..btw there is a lot of straw with it. Thanks for any answers.
9 Oct, 2010
Refreshing to hear. We shouldn't be frightened of eating fesh meat, so long as it's quickly despatched, and no more than is necessary is killed. I'm going ferreting tmrw morning. And, yes, MG, hare is lovely meat, especially the loins. Phil J
9 Oct, 2010
Hope the ferreting goes well Phil
10 Oct, 2010
I forgot to thank you for your answers. But you can see that answers differ when it comes to gardening. I asked the same question about the hare manure to an elderly man who also has a datcha on the same site as me and he told me to put it on the vegitable patch and just dig it in and the rain will take care of the rest.
About eating hares, rabbits etc: I was brought up in the county of used to be called Leicestershire for a few years, that couldn´t be more rural if you tried and on a couple of occasions I went ferreting with a farmer that lived in the village, but when it came to hitting the poor animal over the head I just couldn´t watch.Sorry, but I could never eat anything "wild". I do eat meat, pork, beef etc and my job is very loosly connected to slaughtering these animals, ( no I´m not a butcher) but I just don´t think about it when doing my job. I hope that this doesn´t start anything off with animal protectors as it did in one forum that I was in...I got some real harsh remarks when saying what my job was, and as I said it is only very loosly connected with slaughtering pigs, cows, sheep etc.
12 Oct, 2010
My point of view is, if you are prepared to eat the meat the you should be prepared to kill the animal...
I'm sure a lot of other GoYers wont agree...
12 Oct, 2010
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I'd let it rot down for at least 6 months before digging it in. Hare actually tasted wonderful, we used to have a siamese cat who caught hares bigger than himself. He would bring them home and I'd cut them in half front end for him and his brother, back end for us.
9 Oct, 2010