Impatiens problem
By Pbhill
United Kingdom
I have grown Impatiends many times over the last 30 years but have never seen the following before: Firstly the complete flower detached from the plant and laying on the earth so the whole plant was removed in order to preserve its neighbours. The neighbouring plants went the same way and there is nothing of the plants left at all. No obvious signs of wilting or yellow leaves on insects were spotted.
9 Oct, 2010
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busy lizzies
I live in Dorset on the coast and this happened 2 or so months ago and it didn't have the appearance of frost damage. Also the impatiens in a completely different part of the garden (not sheltered) are still going strong.
9 Oct, 2010
I find frost forms in small areas within the garden. another possibility is that they got too wet and that caused the roots to die.
and welcome to GoY. I hadnt noticed you had joined today :o)
9 Oct, 2010
Grey mould could cause this, but if the plant is left to die on its own, usually you'd eventually see something - grey mould in fact, eventually, but often when it starts, there are no symptoms at all except loss of flowers followed by plant collapse. If it is that, then you may have problems growing again in that area since it overwinters in the soil. Its a very common fungus in the soil, so difficult to treat. Usually occurs in damp, cool conditions.
9 Oct, 2010
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if this has happened recently then i suspect that you have had a light frost. this would account for the behaviour. mine have all but disappeared now too.
9 Oct, 2010