By Jpike
United Kingdom
My husband is goin mental,the problem is Busy Lizzy,s or impatients to give them there proper name.Every other year he has grown his own from seed,this year a total loss.In desperation he has bought the plugs from B&Q they looked perfectly healthy but now the leaves are going yellow and they do not look happy.everything else he has planted is great.Is anyone else having problems ,or any ideas. Thanks Jean
On plant
Thanks for all your reply,s
19 Jun, 2011
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busy lizzies
Also, carefully look on the underside of the foliage. If you can see grey mildew, this could also potentially be the cause.
19 Jun, 2011
I had the same trouble with a whole tray by mail order. The firm sent me a voucher.
19 Jun, 2011
Thank you to Fractal,we do have the grey mildew and as it has not affected the other plants we have decided to thow them out.So thanks again. Jean
23 Jun, 2011
There is aproblem this year with bizzie lizzies. i got mine from b and q and they were lovely healthy plants. planted them out in early june and they looked fine for a few weeks but this last 2 weeks they have gone pale and all the flowers have gone and they have lost some leaves. they look really sickly. I am in North Yorkshire and a friend of mine in West Yorkshire has had the same problem and also another friend had 2 bizzie lizzie balls and last week they looked fine but this week they are a real mess leaves lost, pale and sickly. I wondered if it was the heat that we had a couple of weeks ago when the temperatures reach over 90 in some parts of the country. That could have stressed them and then when they looked stresses i have gone overthe top with the watering. i am going to try and leave them to recover by leaving them to dry out some where in shade.
7 Jul, 2011
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Have they become waterlogged? making the soil heavy and wet, lift them, put grit in the hole, replant and see if they will recover.
19 Jun, 2011