By Sunbeam
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Help with camellia please
My camellia has been previously healthy it has a lot of buds but has started to look a bit poorly. It’s in a pot in the shady part of the garden , I’ve been watering it in the summer and giving it Miraclegro
What am I doing wrong and any advice most welcome

21 Sep, 2023
It is probably a bit too big for that pot now. It would be better planted in the ground in an acid soil.For now try feeding it with a fertilizer designed for acid lovers. Then after flowering plant it out in an aciud soil, but move it well forward of that fence as it has the potential to get quite large.
25 Sep, 2023
answered below in the first post. GOY is playing up a bit these last few days.
21 Sep, 2023