By Garg2024456
United Kingdom
How do we choose plants for our living room?
15 Oct, 2023
the best way of checking is to google the and see what several sites suggest. Follow the advice that is given by the majority of sites. Reliable sites are RHS & Gardeners World
15 Oct, 2023
Different plants need different conditions, they don't all want low light, and lots can grow in the humidity of ordinary living rooms/kitchens/bathrooms.
I agree with Seaburngirl, look each one up on the computer or in a book. I prefer books myself.
I wouldn't water them every alternate day. They only need water when they need it, not every other day whether they need it or not.
16 Oct, 2023
Hello, recently I shifted to a new house and purchased a few indoor plants like areca palm, zz plant, and ficus plant. I am trying to figure out where to keep them. I read indoor plants need humidity and low light. So, I kept them in a corner of my room where filtered lights fall and I water them every alternate day.
15 Oct, 2023