By Tiffy
United Kingdom
I have searched for some time to see if there is anyone out there who may have a Daphne 'Somerset' in their garden centre, nursery or garden, but to no avail.
It's for a special project that requires 3.
Can anybody help please.
20 Oct, 2023
Daphne Burkwoodii 'somerset' is a hybrid which, I would imagine, was bred in the US so it looks like it would only be sourced from there.
21 Oct, 2023
The RHS does list several UK nurseries.
21 Oct, 2023
Certainly has been available in the UK. I am sure we had it in our previous garden. I think we got it from Cotswold Plans (or a name like that.)
21 Oct, 2023
It looks like this nursery might have some. They are in
26 Oct, 2023
I have just picked up your message today and thank you.
I have contacted the nursery that you have suggested, and they did not have any of the Daphne I am needing in order to finish my project, but have suggested someone else, and I am now awaiting their reply.
All very useful information on this site and has continued to give me hope.
Many thanks again.
22 Apr, 2024
You might also try
E-mail them as not everything is on their website
22 Apr, 2024
Welcome to GoY.
The RHS link will show you suppliers who have had it recently. Hope you get lucky.
20 Oct, 2023