By Roger594
United Kingdom
Why is my bamboo covered with flys, bluebottle flys, and wasps they are passive and just walk up and down the leves
27 Aug, 2008
They are definitely wasps, and there is no manure of any sort in mine or adjacent gardens. No aphids, that’s what’s funny the fly’s and wasps seem to be licking the leaves. There is no visible damage
27 Aug, 2008
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are you sure they are wasps? because you get a smaller verson of a wasp it looks very much like a wasp but is'nt they are passive and hover over plants rather than buzz all over the place, if so that is actually a hover fly, these feed on greenfly, and are a very good friend to your garden, so if they are hover flys, then i would say this is a good thing, but give a check for aphids, as for bluebottles there does seem to be loads around this year anyway, could mean nothing atal. - do you use horse manuer on your garden? or any other type of animal pooh - or home made compost that is not quite ready maybe? this could explain it!
27 Aug, 2008