By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Are there any purple berried Loniceras?
A neighbours has a shrub that has 1cm long leaves similar to the leaf of the small Lonicera used for hedging. It has the most beautiful violet translucent berries on it.
Any idea what it is please?
10 Oct, 2010
Now then what is the really small lonicera that produses white flowers and black berries. The leaves of this are a good twice the size. I thought the small one was nitida, or is it just a different variety.
thanks for the name though. it is a really eye catching berry.
10 Oct, 2010
There is an evergreen climbing Lonicera which produces purple/black berries, but not the colour you describe, L. alseuosmoides.
11 Oct, 2010
The one you might be thinking of, Seaburngirl, is Lonicera pileata - its a low growing one, white flowers, amethyst berries (or at least that's how the book describes the colour!) Its leaves aren't really smaller than L. nitida though, I don't think, they're a different shape, being much thinner rather than box like.
11 Oct, 2010
thats the beastie bamboo. L pileata. thanks
thanks for the suggestions fractal .
11 Oct, 2010
The plain green form of Lonicera nitida does produce berries of that colour Sbg.
10 Oct, 2010