By Silverbell
United Kingdom
Spring flowering bulbs planted in pots about 4 weeks ago are poking through already - will I lose them? Also, there are buds on my penstemon, the label says they flower early spring. should I trim them off or leave them? Oh dear ! ! . . . And another . . . Should I trim the dead flowers just now on my Lady Boothby Fushia ? It's twenty years old and flowers profusely year after year despite constant neglect.
10 Oct, 2010
Thanks Spritz that's great - once I started one question all the others started rolling in. Yes, there's loads more ! ! ! I love this site - think it's about time I did a blog.
10 Oct, 2010
Nobody minds answering questions, so ask away.
Yes, please do write a blog! :-)))
11 Oct, 2010
I noticed some of my spring bulbs were rooting and poking through. This question reassures me that they will be O.K, thanks to Spritzhenry.
11 Oct, 2010
You're welcome, Alex. It's just the warmer weather, that's all. They'll slow down once the temps. drop.
11 Oct, 2010
i asked exactly the same question yesterday, so i'm gladi'm not on my own.
11 Oct, 2010
Hallo Tilly - so now you know! Welcome to GOY, by the way.
11 Oct, 2010
Previous question
1) Don't worry about the bulbs - they'll be OK. Just make sure that the pots don't freeze if you get icy weather.
2) My penstemons keep flowering until the first frosts - most of them gave buds, too. Don't cut them off! Leave any deadheads on from now on, as they form some protection for the plant. Cut it back to fresh young growth in the spring.
3) No - they'll drop off on their own.
Is that all OK???
10 Oct, 2010