United Kingdom
How well is my variegated standard holly? I pruned its leaves very hard back in the spring just before new growth was about to start. I hoped it would rejuvenate the whole plant. Unfortunately, it hasn't managed to fully regrow new leaves this growing season. It has only half re-grown them, grown new leaves to only half their proper full size. Is all well with it? Will those half sized leaves grow to full size next year?

11 Oct, 2010
Agree with Bulbaholic - the pot is restricting it severely.
11 Oct, 2010
I am Jonathan Hales. I seem to have come in as a guest somehow. The plant is in a 18" diameter pot. Pretty big. The holly came from J Parkers originally. Do you think it should come out and go in the ground? It has been happy and healthy in the pot for 6 years. Full sun. I could transfer it to a versailles planter, cube shape container I could knock up from rough timber.
11 Oct, 2010
Hi Johnathon. If the holly has been in the pot for six years (without repotting?) then it has undoubtedly used up all the nutriment in the compost. If the pot is 18" diameter then the holly must be pretty large and I do think that it would do better in the ground.
11 Oct, 2010
My garden is so tiny, I have absolutely no ground to put it in. I can only make a bigger container, and feed it. Should I move it out of the pot (and tease the roots apart) when dormant, say Dec? Or can it be done any time?
11 Oct, 2010
I'd do it now, Jonathan, no need to wait really.
11 Oct, 2010
Righto. I'll get to it. I've got the timber. I've am suffering from episodal partial sighted blindness. My eye sight has been getting worse this year. Often I am too blind to use GOY. That is why I haven't been on for ages.
11 Oct, 2010
Nothing gets better does it, really, well, not past the age of 50 anyway...
11 Oct, 2010
Jon, You may have to be 'reborn' on the site to lose your current guest status. As whom will you come back? Phil J
11 Oct, 2010
Bamboo, please, Im only 52, some things do get better, but i think you're right, you do " start to feel it ". :o))).arghhhhh.
11 Oct, 2010
Good to see you on GoY again Jonathan, I've been wondering where you'd got to. Did you manage to enter your garden in the Bracknell in Bloom competition again this year?
11 Oct, 2010
Hi Lily2. Yes, I entered the competition. I suppose the winner announcements may be happening about now. I've not heard from them. In June two youngish women came round to do the judging. It was obvious to me from the moment they arrived that neither of them knew the first thing about gardening. They thought my garden was 'nice'. I thought it was totally silly. So I don't much care whether I am about to get a bronze, silver or gold award. Its a farce this year sadly.
12 Oct, 2010
How is your garden this autumn Lily2?
12 Oct, 2010
Oh Littlelegs, 52 - by the time I was 53 I was complaining to the doc about pains in my joints in the vain belief it must be something that could be cured - I remember well protesting loudly that I was 53 not bloomin' 73...
12 Oct, 2010
Oh what a shame Jonathan, it makes a mockery of it all if the judges aren't knowlegeable as they will probably be judging only on their own personal tastes. Presumably they are different ones to last year. Anyway I do hope you're efforts have been rewarded again and will look out for it in the local papers. I hear that Bracknell won a Gold award this year.
Sorry to hear you have bad eyesight problems now, I hope you'll still be able to get on GoY from time to time.
My garden has been a bit disappointing this year but that's gardening I suppose. Partly my fault getting off to a late start and the weather spoiling a lot of things. Will try to do better next year! :o))
12 Oct, 2010
Previous question
They won't grow any larger whilst it is in such a small pot, Guest. Ideally you should plant in in the ground but, at least, a much larger pot.
11 Oct, 2010