By Pdb
United Kingdom
Should I lift my begonias yet. They are still in flower and look bright and lovely. Although some of the branches have broke of as they look like they were too heavy. Its just that I could do with the pot to put my tulips in.
11 Oct, 2010
If you have not had a frost yet you may get a week or two's flowers out of them, we will here in the south. Start your tulips off in trays with fresh compost.
11 Oct, 2010
How do you start tulips off in trays Dr Bob? Do you mean prior to planting in pots? How do you? And what is the advantage?
11 Oct, 2010
Hello Jonathan, Have a plastic seed tray full of potting compost, plant the tulips 4 rows to a tray, water well. Put on the floor of a greenhouse (watch out for mice), when rooted plant out in pots or troughs. It will give you a good start if squirrels are about. I have used this method to get the tulips to flower much earlier for functions, also I have done it for daffs, iris and crocus.
11 Oct, 2010
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Tulips are better planted in November, believe it or not, unlike daffodils, so if you're enjoying the begonias, wait till the frost gets them and then take them out and dry the corms off. But if you don't want to wait, you can lift them now.
11 Oct, 2010