United Kingdom
Will my diseased rose recover fully next year and flower well? Or will the extent of disease this year weaken the plant so that its performance next year will be less? It is William Shakespeare. I sprayed it with fungicide every two weeks from spring until mid summer, then stopped spraying. Looks like I should have kept on spraying through to autumn. The disease broke out all over it from a few weeks ago. It looks like its leaves are all about to drop.

12 Oct, 2010
It has dropped quite a few of its leaves already, or they have shrivelled. So there should be more airflow now from that. Should spraying be fortnightly all the way from spring to autumn? (It has flowered very pleasingly for me this year - taking a big bow now). My other roses get no disease.
12 Oct, 2010
Depends on the product you're using, should say on the instructions, but most systemic fungicides are fortnightly, season long.
12 Oct, 2010
Systhanes the one. All season it is then. I've just added a pic of how it was in July. Glorious.
12 Oct, 2010
Lovely - so presumably you feel all the extra work and effort is worth it for those flowers.
12 Oct, 2010
For the scent, the memories, and the photos. And to make a summer.
12 Oct, 2010
It should be fine when it grows next year, but it might help if you could increase airflow around its branches and leaves - it looks pretty crowded in there. A bit of judicious pruning might help with this. Clear away all fallen leaves from beneath the bush, keep the ground beneath clean of leaf litter, etc., and you will need to spray as you have done this year.
12 Oct, 2010