United Kingdom
hi all, could anyone let me know when to cut back, and if, geranium, irish blue. and where should it be, I did not get many flowers this year, its first. thankx
15 Oct, 2010
Brilliant bamboo, thats most helpful, I shall put away the saceteurs, oooo cant spell that!!
16 Oct, 2010
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I never cut Geraniums back at this point in the year - I might pull off any long,tatty growths, but I leave the dead foliage on all winter as a bit of protection, then pull it all off as growth begins in Spring. They do benefit from being cut back late July or early August though, after a flush of flowers. Usually you can see new growth in the centre, and when that appears, remove all the older foliage - you'll get more flowers once that new foliage matures.
15 Oct, 2010