By Tieden
United States
I am in Oklahoma and have started raising them. I says they need to go dormant in the summer, do you leave them and let nature take it course during the hot summer months June/July/August? Do they die down in the winter and you have to prune them back to grown level in the winter or let them stay as is and grow back in the spring from the stalk?
On plant
Iris bucharica
20 Mar, 2024
there doesn't seem to be link on this now so I will answer it assuming it is genuine.
Welcome to GoY
This is a bulbous Juno Iris and is rated as hardy in the UK. I grow it and it is in flower now. After flowering I add a general slow release fertiliser and when the foliage dies I gentle remove it [like you would daffodils]. The bulb stays in the ground/pot until new shoots appear early spring the following year. They don't like excessive wet
21 Mar, 2024
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21 Mar, 2024