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By Alextb

London, England

I have this plant in my garden, but now it looks straggly and has stopped flowering and lost nearly all its foliage.

1) Could someone please identify it?

2) Will it come up next year if I cut it down to ground or at least take some height off it?

Thanks n advance for your help.



hi Alex the white flowers are cosmos and are annuals in my garden. they will die off. you may have seeds to collect and then they will grow for you next year.

17 Oct, 2010


You may find that they have self-seeded prodigiously for you if you haven't been dead-heading frequently. I have Cosmos come up every year and I haven't actually planted seeds in the past 5 years. LOL

17 Oct, 2010


I'm hoping that it has dropped some viable seeds.

Thanks for that

18 Oct, 2010


Or watch for the old flowers to go brown and then cut them off. Put them in a paper bag (not plastic) in a dry place indoors, then the seeds will drop out of the seedheads and you can sow then in pots in March or in the ground in May.

18 Oct, 2010


There are no heads on this plant that I can see. I got so used to seeing multiple buds, I ended up cutting them off, as they looked a bit untidy when dying.

Now I wish I had left at least 1 flower on.

Oh well, nothing I can do now.

18 Oct, 2010


Good luck Alex. Hope some pop up for you next spring.

21 Oct, 2010


So do I (fingers crossed)

21 Oct, 2010


Cosmos seeds are quite cheap to buy and readily available on Garden Centre seeds stands, so buy a new packet too!

25 Oct, 2010


I have checked my local garden centre and they only stack a pack of pink shades, and I was quite partial to the white one.

I may have to buy a pink packet or hope that they stock white plants already growing later next year.

I will just have to wait and see.

25 Oct, 2010


T&M has seeds for white double ones called 'Double Click' which are quite lovely.

1 Nov, 2010


Thanks Gilli, I will take a look.

1 Nov, 2010


To be honest I do like the foliage as much as the abundance of flowers. LOL

1 Nov, 2010


Me too Alex. I love Cosmos and such an easy care plant. The feathery foliage is a great contrast to more coarse leaved plants.

1 Nov, 2010


I have picked up some seeds,a nd they will be planted for next year.

2 Nov, 2010


The white one may be 'Purity' which Thompson and Morgan stock.

2 Nov, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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