By Jimmytheone
United Kingdom
To mulch or not to mulch, that is the question? When my old dad was alive he used to collect the grass cuttings from the near-by playing fields and spread it over his allotment to keep the moisture in and surpress the weeds. So do you think that it is a good idea from a gardening point of view. Do the clippings rob the soil of nitrogen, cause the grass to seed or add some benefit to the soil as they break down?
8 Aug, 2024
The robbing of nitrogen from soil by mulch is an oft repeated load of rubbish. There is no evidence to support it.
If it was true, then all the soil underneath deciduous trees would be totally nitrogen free, from the amount of leaves that drop and lie there without being disturbed.
The main problem, to me, of grass from anywhere is the chance that they have used weedkillers on it to maintain it as grass without broad leafed plants. That can affect plants elsewhere.
If that is not the case, then use the grass. Not too thick a layer, or the heat might be a problem as it decomposes.
8 Aug, 2024