By Alan01
United Kingdom
when is the best time to lift dahlia tubers, and how can i save them for next year
Thanks for the reply Rohima, but what is the best way tostore them, as I tried last year in sawdust & they still rotted.
21 Oct, 2010
I have lost them in the past after packing them with compost but last year i packed all my dhalia tubersand begonia corms in paper from my paper shredder and didn't lose a single one, so am doing the same this year. I packed them with the shredded paper in cardboard boxes and left them in my cold conservatory.
23 Oct, 2010
Previous question
« can a red acer be dug up and reptted, and when is the best tim to do this?
Now would be the best time i think. We have had frost here in the midlands and my dhalia's have started to turn black. I was going to lift them today but did not have the time. Will definately be lifting them tomorrow.
21 Oct, 2010