By Dawnbanks01
East Sussex, United Kingdom
I Have a large number of miscanthus zebrinus in my garden, I bought them and planted them this year. They have grown about 1m but none of them have the seeds heads, can you explain why this is?
- 21 Oct, 2010
Yes, some Miscanthus varieties produce their flowers too late or don't even emerge in time before the frost hits them. All parts of the UK are just a bit too far north (Even Cornwall) to have a long enough season to get them to flower.
You are best selecting forms that produce their flowers earlier (by at least a month). I have Miscanthus sinensis 'Yakujima Dwarf' and M. s. 'Ferner Osten' which are great. There are many other named forms that flower well.
A member on here called Bluespruce uses a lot of varieties in his conifer garden/nursery. Contact him for what he considers the best.
21 Oct, 2010
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This particular variety is grown more for its striped appearance than its seed heads - they don't always flower, and only if they do will you get seed heads.
21 Oct, 2010