United Kingdom
what is the plant that attracts birds most?
21 Oct, 2010
apples ( fallen ) are a magnet for the overwintering Fieldfare and redwings as the come down from scandinavia as the weather worsens
21 Oct, 2010
Hi Guest,
There isn't one single plant that will attract more birds that any other As with all wildlife, a good range of plants that provide both food and habitats are important for birds in the garden.
Native trees and shrubs (especially Hawthorn) are excellent all year round, and fruits trees, particularly apple, are valuable too. Plants that attract and/or host insects will also be much visited by birds.
There's an article about this at:
21 Oct, 2010
At this time of year? Ones with berries or seedheads on, such as Holly, Pyracantha, Eupatorium, Teasels etc.
21 Oct, 2010