By Ptarotuos
Dear All,
I'm seeking advice on moving a holly tree. It dawned on me recently that the woodland we have at the back of the property - in need of thinning - might be the source of trees for the front garden (I wonder why this idea took so long?) However, I am reluctant to bite off more than I can chew, and don't want to embark on the project (the tree is on a slope - about 1.5 - 2.0 metres tall) only to find it weighs a ton and can't be moved. Is there a database giving typical root-ball to tree height that is species specific? (If there isn't, perhaps there ought to be). Any ideas in this case, and general comments welcome. Rgs, ptarotuos
22 Oct, 2010
I agree Moon grower. I lost 2 which I had no choice but to move. Neither was successful.
22 Oct, 2010
I understood that typically, the root ball = size of growth above ground.
Hollies grow quite quickly. Perhaps you could look around in the undergrowth and find a seedling that is a moveable size?
22 Oct, 2010
Thank you for your replies. I was hesitant, and I now think that I will abandon this plan. However, Beattie's suggestion of finding a seedling (or several - I was planning on creating a holly hedge too) sounds good - I'm sure I can find some, there is just about everything else growing and crawling there (Mukade - Japanese stinging centipede, Yamakagashi - Japanese grass snake, very venomous, etc). On the subject of roots, I'm sure you are right for hollies, but I'm hoping to take some extraordinary shots this weekend of the roots growing on one side of the bank to the road. It is from a tree and the roots have been growing in the leaf mulch (of the new lawn area) horizontally. When I had the ground cleared for the lawn a few weeks ago, it exposed some of the roots, and they are about 30 metres long, even the though the tree itself is only about a metre high! No idea what the tree is only a metre high (the leaves had dropped before I got the property, so I 'll have to wait until next spring to identify it). Thanks everyone. Bw, ptarotuos
22 Oct, 2010
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If your holly is 2 metres tall it is highly unlikely that it will transplant successfully.
22 Oct, 2010