By Currant
United Kingdom
Callicarpa Profusion - can anyone tell me why my Callicarpa dosnt have any berries on it this year? I have been admiring the beautiful foliage colour, then after a frost the other night, most of the leaves have fallen off and I realised there were no berries!
It has berried previous years, during the summer I have been using a water soluble fertiliser - is that the problem?
Please help!
22 Oct, 2010
I was told that you need and amale and female, although i have never seen as them advertised ans either on or the other. I may of been lied too, especially as I have planted many in clients garden only to be told the other day!
22 Oct, 2010
Thank you Heron, it may be the case, previous years I have neglected it, but seeing other pic of the shrub with MANY berries, i tried to care for it - maybe i'll go back to ignoring it.
Nickyt08, i have also heard this, but cant say that i'v seen male and female advertised, can any onle else help on this one?
Thank you both for your help.
23 Oct, 2010
You may have answered your own question, I had one that refused to produce berries even though I nurtured it. I moved it and left it to it's own devices in a sheltered spot by a hedge and hey-presto it's covered in berries.
22 Oct, 2010