By Linda235
United Kingdom
Has anyone been aware of flatworms in their garden. It has been on the Scottish news today, but I haven't seen any. On the other hand I don't see as many earthworms as I did twenty years ago. I have just dug out some ornamental grasses in my main flower bed and not seen a single worm.
22 Oct, 2010
I feel Moon grower I used to see more worms than I do now. Maybe I do less digging!!
22 Oct, 2010
I just Googled flat worms, there are so many diffrent looking ones. Yuk! :o))
22 Oct, 2010
I don't think I want to Google flatworms!!
22 Oct, 2010
Forgot to mention there is a programme on Scottish television on flatworms this evening. Will report back.
22 Oct, 2010
BBC2 7.00pm Landward. The threat to soil from the New Zealand flatworm.
22 Oct, 2010
Oh dear did they swim here or come by boat?
22 Oct, 2010
With plants...
22 Oct, 2010
british flatworms are not a problem. the nz ones are an alien species. as mg says they came as eggs in plants. they are very distinct if my memory serves me right.
22 Oct, 2010
Indeed SBG but he native roundworms now seem to be fighting back...
22 Oct, 2010
That sounds good Moon grower. The programme Landward said the New Zealand flatworm was killing our earthworms which would naturally affect our soil quality. Also birds and moles would loose their food source. They have no answers to the problem so far. Perhaps the earthworm will find its own way to beat this predator.
22 Oct, 2010
most flat or ribbon worms have desidadly worse habits than climbing about in plants but thats another story .
as for garden worms they seam to be in good numbers in sunny norfolk .
23 Oct, 2010
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New Zealand flatworms have been a problem in parts of Scotland. Our native round worms seem to be fighting back though. We have an abundance of worms in our garden.
22 Oct, 2010