By Tetrarch
United Kingdom
Suggestions please
Two climbing plants. Not rampant and not a rose. Max height 2 metres. Perennial. Can take sunshine. Exposed to wind.
One yellow or yellowish, one white or apricot or peach or shades of. If a clematis NOT a montana pleeease.
Preferably something you have grown or know someone who grows it. This is for my gazebo. Thanks everyone..hopefully..
23 Oct, 2010
2 metres is a bit lmtd but you could keep most climbers in check .you could grow 2 types of grape and get some nice fruit out of it or a white and blue wisteria perhaps .
23 Oct, 2010
Grape sounds interesting NoseyP but its quite exposed to north winds..will it survive? Had a look at the clematis Bamboo..think I would prefer D. of Edinburgh, such a long flowering time but the hardiness is borderline...mmm must ponder some more
Thanks for your help guys
23 Oct, 2010
Try Trachelospermum jasminoides(white) or asiaticum(cream). Both are slowish growing, evergreen, and have sweetly scented flowers over a long period. Asiaticum is slower and smaller growing, but they are easy to prune to the allotted space.
23 Oct, 2010
maybe not tetrarch but it mite be worth a look .
24 Oct, 2010
Just to let you kind folks how Im progressing. I have a Banksia Lutea rose for my yellow..I was going to get a Clematis Love Child (Spritz suggestion)for another side (have 4 sides) but Taylors sold out already and I cant find it anywhere else. Got a Niobe Clematis for another side. I think the Banksia might romp a bit so would like to train it over the top and down the other side if it will go, which leaves me one more..and I think it will be Miss Bateman if I cant get Love Child.
Thanks again.
9 Mar, 2011
Previous question
Compassion, a climbing rose, and Clematis: early flowering: Duchess of Edinburgh, Miss Bateman; spring and summer flowering clematis: Henryi, Marie Boisselot (syn Madame le Coultre) all the clematis mentioned are not species, (as is montana - the species get much larger) - the last two do get taller than you want, but can be pruned in late winter to restrict size, back down to 2 or 3 buds from the base by mid February.
23 Oct, 2010