By Carolmckeown
I live in Spain and have had lime tree for about three years, when should I prune and how?
23 Oct, 2010
It's true that they rarely need pruning. Here in Arizona, when they do need it, we prune lightly in early spring--about the first week of February--for shape. When the tree is about 20 years old, we will prune heavily in mid spring--mid March, about--to rejuvenate the tree, sacrificing a couple of years of fruit, to gain another 10-20 years of bearing.
24 Oct, 2010
Ooh, hold on, my answer was about Tilia (lime tree), not a citrus one - I have a feeling Tugbrethil is referring to the citrus fruit, so am not sure now which tree mean. Guess you have the answers to both anyway though.
24 Oct, 2010
Yep, I was thinking of the citrus! Tilias are rare here--in fact, I haven't seen any, though some are supposed to grow here.
25 Oct, 2010
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It's not usual practice to prune these at all - they will, though, tolerate hard pruning in mid winter, when they're dormant. Remove suckers from the base at any time.
23 Oct, 2010