If I understand the climate of Bhutan correctly, in the colder parts, they should have been planted last month, but late is better than never. This month in the mid-range climates, and next month in the south--though in the south it may be confused as to which season it is. In the higher rainfall areas, you may get some summer mortality due to root rot while it is dormant. That happens to us when our monsoons are very heavy.
If I understand the climate of Bhutan correctly, in the colder parts, they should have been planted last month, but late is better than never. This month in the mid-range climates, and next month in the south--though in the south it may be confused as to which season it is. In the higher rainfall areas, you may get some summer mortality due to root rot while it is dormant. That happens to us when our monsoons are very heavy.
24 Oct, 2010