By Tinnis
United Kingdom
How do you prune a rasberry bush that fruits in the summer
25 Oct, 2010
If it is the kind that blooms in the spring and the fruit ripens in early summer, cut out the canes that bloomed and bore this year, but leave the ones that didn't, maybe shortening them a little so they are easier to tie up. If it is the kind that blooms in late summer and ripens in the fall, you can cut everything to the ground in the early spring--those bloom on new growth. Some varieties of the latter will also bloom in the spring, if some of the canes that bore this year are only cut back halfway--That's why they are called "everbearing", here in the States.
25 Oct, 2010
Snap, MG!
25 Oct, 2010
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Hi Tinnis and welcome to GoY. You cut back to the ground the canes that produced fruit this year, leaving the new canes that grew this year to fruit next year. Cut the new cane to around 5 foot and tie them into the supports.
25 Oct, 2010