By Lammie
United Kingdom
Thanks I thought I was the only one that wasn't happy. I still do not know how to reply to you all. lammie
28 Oct, 2010
Neither do I, I'm in agreement with Beattie - it looks unfamiliar at first, but you'll soon get used to it, Lammie. If you're having trouble negotiating, ask - nothing has really changed, it just looks different. If you're wondering how to find your "Home page" just click on your name at the top, where it says Hi Lammie - that takes you to your page where it says Inbox, outbox, News, etc. I prefer it the way it is, its worth it for the better, larger photographs.
28 Oct, 2010
Don't give up Lemmie! Seems to be some great people on here.
I'm new aswell and finding my way about,your not alone! For example, I keep looking for a button that will allow me to save the questions/answers that i find helpful, at the moment i can't find the functionality though its probably here. I need to spend a bit more time on here, get to grips with it, might try and put aside a sunday afternoon .
Give it some time and before you no it you'll be giving newbie's like me advise. Good luck.
28 Oct, 2010
I copy questions and answers - or just the info I want to keep - to a file on my computer, just paste it into "notepad" or similar and save in a folder under "gardening". If you name each one carefully you'll be able to find what you want later.
28 Oct, 2010
Funguy, by the way, it's not possible to make 'favourites' of questions and answers - only blogs, members and photos, so you need to do as Beattie suggests if you want to save them.
28 Oct, 2010
Yes, that's what I've been doing. Filed in a subfolder called GOY that sits in my Gardening folder!
I was at my in-laws the other day, trying to exercise some advise i had read,copied and saved from GOY.
So i went online to double check here on GOY, this led me to think the function would be a useful one.
28 Oct, 2010
I realised that any answers that I make are in my 'out' box, it maybe a bit tedious to find them but they seem to be there
28 Oct, 2010
Yes Pamg, quiet a useful function that can go through any members posts by clicking on the 'out' box tab on their home page...good for going through someones answers.
Though i am talking about questions i haven't answered but have found useful, so would like to record them on my homepage.
28 Oct, 2010
Funguy - if you find a piece of useful advice about a plant that you have in your garden, and you've added it to your plant list in the 'My garden' section on your page, then ask the member's permission, and copy and paste the tip next to your plant. I've done that, and it's a help to me.
28 Oct, 2010
Theres the one!!!
Thank you very much Spritzhenry, just what i was looking for!
28 Oct, 2010
You're very welcome. :-)))
28 Oct, 2010
Previous question
« how do i discourage cats from my newly planted bed ( some bulbs and shrubs) ?
Just write what you want to say in the box under other people's comments Lammie. Then your reply to them comes up next in the thread.
Perhaps it's just because I haven't been here that long, but I don't see enormous differences between the website as it is now and as it was before. The colours are different and some things have moved a bit, but it wasn't a complete re-think. I'm sure we'll all get used to it and relearn where to find what we're looking for.
28 Oct, 2010