West Midlands,
United Kingdom
i have 2 slow growing conifers now 40 yrs old and this year all the leaves are turning brown. would the frosts earlier this year have caused this or are the roots lacking water? they appear to be dying after flourishing all these years.
28 Oct, 2010
Honey Fungus could do it too, fairly lethal to conifers if it gets them. Difficult to diagnose, though, unless you strip the bark off !!!
28 Oct, 2010
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« Thanks I thought I was the only one that wasn't happy. I still do not know how...
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Wouldn't be frosts earlier this year causing this - assuming you've checked the plants over thoroughly for signs of infestation or infection, the most likely explanation is drought - the problem would have been probably around 6/8 weeks ago. Can't tell how likely this is as an answer because you haven't said where you are in the UK
28 Oct, 2010