By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi everyone
Has anybody bought anything from these people I have just purchased some polycarb from these and i have a gut feeling that something is wrong
28 Oct, 2010
I have'nt heard of this company before, Steve, but the web site seems OK. What do you think is the problem?
28 Oct, 2010
Both checking at same time!
28 Oct, 2010
So far they have promised me delivery 3 times and failed and fobbed me off that they are out of stock also they is no address on there web site
28 Oct, 2010
Google their web address. Look down the page a bit, there is a site called trustpilot where there are some related comments.
28 Oct, 2010
Steve if you are really concerned check with your card company and put the transaction into dispute... Looking closely there is no physical address and though this may not mean anything it is still better to be safe than sorry!
28 Oct, 2010
Well, they clearly exist judging by the comments of dis-satisfaction on the trustpilot site!
Nice tip Funguy!
28 Oct, 2010
In the terms and conditions on their website,it states they will provide customers the option to cancel an order. I take it they haven't done this yet. You could raise this with them. Explain that it was because of these assurances that you chose to order through them.
- (3) The Products & Availability
The products offered for sale on this website include home and garden furniture and furnishing items. All items are subject to availability. Each item for sale on the website will state its availability and lead time to delivery. These details will differ between product ranges and individual products. Although we take great effort to ensure this information is correct at time of publishing, in the event that a supply partner is unable to fulfill an order in accordance with the information stated on the website we will inform you as soon as possible and provide the option to cancel your order or proceed.
29 Oct, 2010
No I haven't bought anything from them - there website looks extremely professional, what do you think is wrong?
28 Oct, 2010