By Johnmw
United Kingdom
Any ideas about a Clianthus that is dying on its feet. It has been fine for a number of years so its position must be ok - it is against a west facing wall albeit in line with the gap between garage and house where north and east winds funnel through (though these are slightly lessened by a solid gate)
Some branches began dying back around end of summer so cut them out to try and stop spread of any disease but dieback continued.
Maybe just old-age or perhaps some pollutant that has crept through the soil or even last winters extreme cold could have weakened it.
29 Oct, 2010
Thanks my friend - yes it is a Clianthus and therefore supposed to be tender but the relatively sheltered west facing wall has protected it in previous years. Your comments confirm my feeling that last winter's low temps started the decline.
Very grateful for the trouble you have taken; it is always good to have feedback from someone like you.
30 Oct, 2010
Probably worth starting another, then, but not until after THIS winter!
31 Oct, 2010
We had two different types of Clianthus growing in a fairly sheltered area of our garden and they could flower for months through the winter.
However they each just died away after a few years, so we've just assumed that they are not very long-lived.
But they do look great when they're there!
20 Nov, 2010
I'll admit to being a bit flummoxed, John. Everything I have read about this plant talks about growing it as a house plant, greenhouse plant, or summer annual. Are you sure it is a Clianthus?
30 Oct, 2010