By Alextb
Hi I have noticed that a few of my daffodil bulbs have been dug up and have nibble marks in them. At least one has been badly nibbled.
1) Could this be the squirrels we have living in the trees where I live?
2) Is there anything I can do to help deter or prevent them from doing so?
3) Will the bulbs still grow, or are they now dead?
Thanks in advance.
29 Oct, 2010
O.K, thank you Bamboo.
Always reliable
29 Oct, 2010
They may be tulips, but I thought I only planted daffodils. Oh well.
29 Oct, 2010
Daffodil bulbs have highly visible vertical veins in their tunics, while Tulipes have smooth, featureless tunics. If they were nibbled deeply enough, Daffodils have many layers like an onion, while Tulip bulbs have only two or three layers, and look more homogenous inside, like a potato.
30 Oct, 2010
Rodents do eat daffodil bulbs. I would have said mice or voles but grey squirrels might also eat them.
30 Oct, 2010
I think you're right, rats and mice aren't averse to daffodil bulbs - but I've seen a squirrel selecting the crocus bulbs and chucking the daffs to one side ...
30 Oct, 2010
I believe that due to Tugbrethil's description, that they may be tulips, as they were more like potatoes than onions inside. There is about half left of one I put back.
Thanks for the advice everyone.
30 Oct, 2010
Hmm, well that is surprising - daffodil bulbs are poisonous, and no self respecting squirrel would touch them. Clearly, something is though, unless they're actually tulips or some other bulb? I'd replant them, nibbles and all, tamp the soil down and put something over the top till midwinter.
29 Oct, 2010