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By Guest
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Lancashire, United Kingdom

lawn oblong 10m by 6m bounded either side by drives. Need suitable bushes to put either side corners at the front.



What sort of things do you like? Evergreen? A group of pittosporum, three different cultivars, or a group of (dwarf) conifers. Deciduous, a small flowering tree, underplanted with hellebores for late winter/spring colour. What's the aspect (North, East, South West), exposed, soil type, and how wide can you allow the plants to grow? Phil

30 Oct, 2010


Why don't you join the GOY site. It's free, and easily done, and useful. Also quite a laugh if you make a wrong comment! Phil

30 Oct, 2010


Hello guest there are lost of pics of front and side garden ideas that you might find inspiring on Goypeadia?

31 Oct, 2010


A pair of matching Hebe's might do the trick. They're evergreen and you could pick a variety that grows to the height you want. They can be pruned to keep them to the size you want if necessary and they don't need special attention. Flowers available in blue, mauve, pink or white.

31 Oct, 2010


The most important thing to consider is the eventual spread of the shrubs. Make sure that you plant them far enough away from the drive's edges or you will be forever trimming them back when they overhang the drive. This may spoil their shapes considerably.

31 Oct, 2010


Also remember that shrubs at the end of a drive should be short enough to see over while driving! In the States, some cities enforce this by law.

1 Nov, 2010

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