By Argentaangel
United Kingdom
Hi, what care should I take of a potted hydranga on my patio ths winter. Do I need to take it indoors- I live in middle of London - ditto my fuchias
30 Oct, 2010
I'd agree - I've been caught out by assuming that all hydrangeas were hardy. Well - they're not. In the Garden Centres, they have very pretty dual-colour flowered ones, which they say are for patio pots. They are not hardy, so if yours is one of those, wrap it up!
31 Oct, 2010
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If you have a covered area, greenhouse, porch, that is not heated, but frost free, you could place them there for the really cold periods. Other than that, put all pots up against the wall of your house. You could drape fleece over them, But I'd wrap the pots in bubble wrap, (not the plants) if you suffer from hard frosts.
31 Oct, 2010