By Orchidlily
United Kingdom
i have an indoor orchid which has along silver shoot with several snakelike offshoots does this need repotting?
1 Nov, 2010
I am given to understand ( from a source not far away :-)
that they tend to flower better if they are slightly 'neglected'
1 Nov, 2010
LOL. Indeed they do, Pam!
1 Nov, 2010
Its working for me Spritz, the white one now has flowers on both stems and on a side branch as well....hope yours grow well too Orchidlily, Spritz has written a really informative blog about how to grow them if you're interested
1 Nov, 2010
That's good news, Pam. :-)))
1 Nov, 2010
I usually don't repot orchids until they have more roots outside the pot than in.
1 Nov, 2010
Nor me. I really must take the scissors to the dead bits!
1 Nov, 2010
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« my indoor orchid has a long silver shoot with several snakelike offshoots does this...
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We really need a photo to be certain, but Moth Orchids have roots, like those you've described, that come over the edge of the pot. It doesn't mean that the plant needs repotting, it's normal.
1 Nov, 2010