United Kingdom
is viburnum opulus poisonous to livestock
On plant
Viburnum opulus
1 Nov, 2010
Viburnum opulus tends to get mentioned as a 'similar' plant when things like Sambucus or Symphoricarpos are being discussed.
But Cooper & Johnson in MAFF's 1984 'Poisonous Plants in Britain and their effects on Animals and Man' say '[it] must be considered harmless or of very low toxicity as no definite reports of [it] causing poisoning have been found'.
Nor is it mentioned in the 'International Poisonous Plants Checklist'.
1 Nov, 2010
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Viburnum Opulus
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Guelder Rose Vibernum Opulus I would not recommend livestock eating the leaves, the berries are poisonous.
1 Nov, 2010